Chapel Builders of California

Chapel Builders of California


Asking for Help letter

Dear Sister Church,

We are writing this letter to ask that any request for help from the Builders be submitted by the church requesting the assistance of the builders in a written and signed format from the church. The need for this is to help with organization and continuity of this ministry going forward!

Our work is a volunteer based ministry that encourages our sister churches to work together to save on the very expensive cost of construction.

The request should include the scope of work (the areas of need) for which you are asking for help. It is necessary for us to know what to prepare for so we can come up with a plan that will allow for the time necessary to help your church. Adding additional projects when we arrive may not be possible as our schedule is usually very busy! (Also, because of our busy schedule, please only list projects that you really need help with, and have the funds for.)

Our ministry is a ministry of work, we try as much as possible to provide all or most of the work necessary to complete whatever project that you are needing help with. Sometimes however there will be areas of work that will be have to be done by others as there are things that we cannot do.

Permits may or may not be necessary, and if they are, then it will be the responsibility of the church to find and hire the necessary architects and to acquire the necessary permits. If a California license is required and the church cannot pull the permit: owner/builder, than it may be possible to use my license.

It will be the responsibility of the church to provide all the materials necessary. When we are working on your project we may also have to purchase specialty tools, or rent equipment that we don’t have. We will discuss this and try to let you know about possible extra expenses during the initial visit. This too will be the responsibility of the asking church.

When possible our team will arrive in their Rv’s and will need to connect their power to your panel and this will increase your electrical bill during the time they are working with you. Please plan this as part of your planned expenses. Depending on your location and neighborhood you may need to ask your neighbors if they will have a problem with our being there.

We also usually ask that the church provide meals (lunch & dinner) for the builders and volunteers that will be there assisting you on your church needs. Most of the builders are full time missionaries, and this is a blessing to them, as well as to your church members, and other volunteers. Our ladies are great at helping with this too! We can talk about this also when we meet with you!

It is not required that you support any of the full time mission builders, but, if your church is encouraged by them being there than please consider doing just that.

Remember this is your project, you are asking that the builders come alongside and help you with these building needs. We encourage you to come and be involved as much as possible. There are many ways and opportunities to help/serve. There will be plenty of notice in scheduling your project that taking time off from work to assist us is encouraged. You will be blessed and so will we. We enjoy getting to know the church we are helping, and love the fellowship!

Once the request for help is made, we will call to arrange a time that we can come and review your request with the church, and begin the process for getting you on our schedule. We will then be able to give you a list of things you can be doing in preparation for our coming to help you.

When we come to complete our review of your project we would like to have some time to present our work to your church. Hopefully we can come on a Saturday & then be with you Sunday morning. Or maybe a Wednesday evening would work better for you. Whichever time, we will need to come early to go over everything ahead of time so we can discuss any ideas, issues with the church while we are there. We want to make sure we are all on the same page!

Please forward your request to:

Chapel Builders c/o First Missionary Baptist Church 8839 N. Cedar Ave. #55

Fresno, CA 93720

& email the request to:

 Questions? Contact: Richard Wharton 559-681-0908 or at the email address above

Richard Wharton