Chapel Builders of California

Chapel Builders of California


Meet the builders

Ryan & Christy Budda

Ryan comes from and long line of builders, His grandfather and father are both Mason’s and both are heavily involved in ministry. Brother Ron budda (Ryan’s gpa) pastor’s the church in Lewiston Idaho and has helped on many building projects around the world. Jon Budda is a member of the Valley church in Spokane, Wa and also has helped around the world on building projects.

Ryan has grown up working with his dad in the masonry trade and helping on ministry projects most of his life.  His recent marriage to Christy is a huge blessing and we look forward to working with them both!  He needs more support as he has stepped out on faith and started the work without having full support and trusting in God to supply.  God has supplied but getting married and getting more involved is costly.

Please consider asking your church to add Ryan & Christy Budda to your monthly ministry support!

He is sponsored by the Valley Landmark MBC in Spokane, WA

He can use your support, and all support should be sent to His sponsoring church in Spokane

Ryans contact info: ph 509-251-2372


The Thiems

The Thiems

John and Esther Thiem

John and Esther, started working with us after John retired from G.E. As a jet engine specialist.  John heads up the electrical portion of what we do. Both He and Esther love working with our churches and have been working with us know 13+ years.  They are sponsored by their home church FMBC of Redlands Ca and are know as the Redlands builders but work with us wherever the Lord leads.  They are retired but ask for funds to help them in their travels and you know, if you’ve made any trips. Fuel and travel expenses are just that “expensive”.  If you or your church would like to support the Thiems please contact them or their sponsoring church.

John ph. 909-991-8656. Or email: 



Bob & Janet Phillips

Bob and Janet Phillips…. They have been working with us pretty much full time 7 or 8 years now and they are such a huge blessing. After they retired from secular work, they felt the Lord leading them to help us! Thank you Lord!
Thank you Clovis for letting them come and work with us, I know that you miss them when they are gone. These are two of the hardest working and Lord loving people.

Richard Wharton