Chapel Builders of California

Chapel Builders of California


How do we get help and how can we get on your list to be helped?

This is a ministry to help our sister churches, Please read our about us page!

If you are a sister church and would like our help, there is a link below that will lead you to a “request for help letter”  your church can get details and information about what is required from you and what to expect from us.

Who will be coming to help?

People often ask who are the builders that will be coming out?  

This ministry was organized to help our sister churches and missionaries with building needs. Our goal is to try and cut down the cost associated with construction.  It is still the responsibility of the inviting church to pay for all materials but also to help with the work.  It really is the church’s work that needs to be done and the builders that come are there to help, not necessarily there to do all of the work.  

An elderly man once told this to someone that asked about his helping others in the community.  He told them that he was willing to help anyone in need, but that he wasn’t willing to do it for them.  

When we are asked to help a sister church, we then tell the other full time builders that we work with about the churches that we plan to help.  Then we also encourage the churches that we are working with to provide workers to work along side us.  Many hands make light work, and no matter what the job one person does it is something that someone else does not have to do.  Either going and getting materials or sweeping the floor, every job is important.

On most projects we have 3-5 couple that try and go on every project, on some of the larger projects where we really get the word out that we need help there can be as many as decide that the Lord is leading them to work with us.  

Most of the time there is plenty of notice before hand and if your thinking about inviting the builders, plan on taking time off work to help us!

How much do you charge?

Our ministry is volunteer based, but our ministry leader is sponsored and paid a salary by our sending church here in Fresno.  Other full time builders are sponsored by their sending churches and some are full time but are able to pay their own way.  

It is also encouraging when people take time off to come help us.  Some of our sister churches will pay the way for their members who want to come help on a mission project such.  

The church that is asking for help, does not have to support or pay anyone that comes out to help at their church.  It is encouraged that you come out and work along side these workers and get to know them and by doing that you may be encouraged to come out and help at a sister church or see a need that you or your church can help with.

Consider supporting one of the full time builders!  

Richard Wharton